Friday, December 9, 2016

Field Placement Summary

Overall, i thoroughly enjoyed my field placement and the classroom I observed. The teacher taught me that when teaching young children they need diversity and fun activities to keep them thinking and focused. She also taught me that if kids are struggling with concentration that you should not scold them, but assist them in a way that can get them back on track. She also taught me that you can add in life experiences into lessons, which engages the kids along with teaching them the necessary content. I also observed the importance of constantly being enthusiastic with young children because they have a tendency to  get bored and uninterested. I did question if being a private school makes it easier to have all of these important values. The teacher did have an assistant and any resources that she needed. The classrooms were also set up to have an interactive and experiential environment, but I know some schools are not given the resources to have the same interactive and experiential environment. Along with all of this, I observed that teachers are finding new styles and techniques to teach core classes, such as math. In the end, I do believe that having the resources and finances does allow for a more critical thinking environment where the kids can flourish more.

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